Pips In The Pocket

Assalamualaikum. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Hello Readers..

It was boring having a hanging trade from Friday to Monday. But it paid off eventually. another 3.8% r.o.i has been made this month. i could have more, but my skills aren’t there, yet. nevertheless, alhamdulillah. for now it may seem small. That’s just because I start small. Imagine when i have 1mil account, 3.8% will be $38000. give myself 1-2 years, that will be reality. Amin. Anyway, here is my trade.


It was expected 100% no flaw that the price will go to 1326.00. How awesome is that??

This knowledge given by Sensei Orange Roshan, through Instructors and Submentors, has never failed to amaze me everyday. It is just so powerful and accurate. And for that, i thank you Sensei.

alright, lets go to the real world now, have a great day everyone.

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