Month: January 2014

Trades of October 2013

Assalamualaikum. Bismillahirahmanirrahim.

Hello Readers. September left and taught me good. This October will be much better. and the result is here!!

12 13 14 15

Trade 12 = 600 pips

Trade 13 = 910 pips

Trade 14 = 850 pips

Trade 15 = 300 pips

Pips harvested = 2660 pips

Pips lost = NIL

I told you it would be better. moreover, the losses had been covered. Now i am making pips again. Awesome!! but i keep my lesson with me all the time. and backtesting is like my real job right now. it pays you well those backtests. Anyway, i hope i can get my 20 wins by next month.

All Thanks to Sensei Orange Roshan, for always firing up our spirit to be better every day. and to my line of Mentorship, Saturnine, GN14 , Iceman, for always encouraging me in any way they can.

Trades of September 2013

Assalamualaikum. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Hello Readers. August had been so great with all the pips, now i show you September’s trades.  here it comes…

6 7 8 9 10 11


Trade 6 = 800 pips

Trade 7 = 700 pips

Trade 8 = 600 pips

Trade 9 = – 4250 pips

Trade 10 = 1260 pips

Trade 11 = – 1000 pips

pips harvested = 3360 pips

pips lost = 5250 pips

pips remainder = – 1890 pips

Okay.. Mesti bekerut dahi ni. haha. Anyway, yes, i have my losses, due to lack of backtest, full of myself, etc. We had review class after the BIG loss, so the instructors asked us about it. Just like in Harry Potter books, Dumbledore said, “Help would be given to those who ask” or something like that, in SRDC support is always there when you need, when you ask for it. The instructors are always helping. This is why SRDC is so special that you cannot find another one like SRDC (or very hard to find one). anyway, I learned alot from my losses, preparing me better for the future. Next month will be more awesome than this.

All Thanks to Sensei Orange Roshan, for always reminding us about what is important. and to my line of Mentorship, Saturnine, GN14, Iceman, for the endless support.

SRDC, Trade Different.

Trades Of August 2013

Assalamualaikum. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.

Hello readers. I decided to summarize my trading blog by monthly basis. so here it is.

1 2 3 4 5

from top to bottom

trade 1 = 590 pips

trade 2 = 1480 pips

trade 3 = 340 pips

trade 4 = 590 pips

trade 5 = 540 pips

pips harvested = 3540 pips

pips lost = NIL

what do you think? not bad, huh? this is A300 system that is used by USU level students of SRDC, the beginner class. With this alone, you can generate 10% return of investment (r.o.i) per month MINIMUM.

All Thanks to Sensei Orange Roshan, for his continuous teaching and guidance. and Thanks to my line of Mentorship, Saturnine, GN14, Iceman, who give endless support.


My First Win Followed By My First Loss

Assalamualaikum Readers,

after finishing my whole cycle of USU class, i enter a trade with every calculations. unfortunately, i lost that trade.

Entry: SELL

When my understanding was still a baby..

When my understanding was still a baby..

but dont get me wrong, my failure doesn’t mean the system doesn’t work. the only explanation is that i didn’t fully understand, and my backtest was not fully done. Sensei Orange Roshan and other Instructors always say to do our backtest carefully. because through backtest, the understanding will be better and better. when you look at the chart above, it eventually went to my desired direction. see? the system really works.

it just hit me, but i stood up fast. i took my lesson, and continue my journey..